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Price per 50 minutes 1200,- CZK. The optimal frequency is 1 x weekly. For less than 1 per 2 weeks, the effect of the work appears uncertain. 

After the agreement, it is possible to pay the amount to the account number 1709321113/0800 Česká spořitelna Bank

Message for the recipient refers to the client’s name.

Cancelling a session

Pre-arranged sessions may be cancelled 1 working day (24 hours) in advance by phone or SMS +420 774184 112 or mail at jankaxgal@gmail.comThe receipt of your message will be confirmed.

Advance for the next session (1200.- CZK) is forfeited if the client does not arrive at the session without a valid reason within two working days /24 hours/.

If the client is unable to attend the session for health reasons the deposit will not be forfeited. ​

© 2024 by Jana Gál 

Fyzická osoba zapsaná v Živnostenském rejstříku
Evidenční číslo ŽL: ŽO/06190316
Evidující úřad: Úřad městské části Praha 15

Nejsem plátcem DPH.

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