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Psychotherapy helps to find the strength to solve personal problems or problems at work that seem unsolvable. It strengthens self-confidence and self-confidence.


I provide psychodynamic psychotherapy. It is a type of therapy based on the original psychoanalysis. The basis is a free-flowing dialogue. The frequency is usually once or twice a week. The length of psychotherapy depends on the client. As long as he feels the therapy is useful to him.

What can I help you with

  • problems in personal or work relationships

  • work overload

  • depression

  • problems with adaptation in a new environment or situation

  • anxiety and insecurity

Price and cancelation

Anchor 1

Price per 50 minutes 850,- CZK

The optimal frequency is 1 x weekly.

Less than 1 per 2 weeks the effect of the work appears to uncertain. 

If our work will continue for longer than eight weeks, I suggest that we agree on its termination at least three weeks in advance in order to have enough time for completion.

After the agreement, it is possible to pay the amount to the account number 1709321113/0800 Česká spořitelna Bank

Message for the recipient refers to the client’s name.

Cancelling a session

Pre-arranged sessions may be cancelled 1 working day (24 hours) in advance by phone or SMS +420 774 184 112 or

e-mail at receipt of your message will be confirmed.

Advance for the next session (850.- CZK) will be forfeited if the client does not arrive at the session without a valid reason within 24 hours. 

If the client is unable to attend the session for health reasons the deposit will not be forfeited. ​

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